Eastern Tropicals, rare and unusual plants for sale

Welcome to Eastern Tropicals

Here at Eastern Tropicals we are plant lovers ourselves, so promise to always source the very best rare plants alongside our standard houseplant range.
Our specialities include Anthurium, Monstera, Philodendron and Syngonium, plus many more unusual plants.
We care about the environment so whenever possible we use recyclable materials in all our packaging.

Anthurium papillilamininum Legend x portillae

Anthurium papillilamininum Legend x portillae

Anthurium NOID

Anthurium NOID

Anthurium pedatoradiatum

Anthurium pedatoradiatum

Anthurium pterodactyl - large plant

Anthurium pterodactyl - large plant

Rhaphidophora tetrasperma - variegated

Rhaphidophora tetrasperma - variegated

Anthurium clarinervium x pterodactyl

Anthurium clarinervium x pterodactyl

Anthurium Eastern Dressleri x Doc Block F2 - large seedling

Anthurium Eastern Dressleri x Doc Block F2 - large seedling

Anthurium Eastern Dressleri x Doc Block F2 - seedling

Anthurium Eastern Dressleri x Doc Block F2 - seedling

Anthurium Magnificum x sp Napo

Anthurium Magnificum x sp Napo